Lúcio Overwatch Costume Guide

Overwatch OW Lucio DJ Summer Games Striker Cosplay Costume

Price: $184.99

Lúcio Overwatch Costume Guide

Lúcio Correia dos Santos: DIY Cosplay

In Overwatch, Lucio Correia dos Santos is a Brazilian Capoeira fighter whose unique fighting style makes him one of the most interesting characters in the game.

Born in an impoverished Rio de Janeiro, he has a passion for soccer and hockey, but music is his #1 love. After the shady Vishkar Corporation took over his community and started exploiting the locals for cheap labor, Lucio took a stand and stole sonic technology from Vishkar, becoming a model for positive change and peace.

A Lucio costume will definitely make you stand out in a crowd. To dress up as Lucio for cosplay you will need some long dreadlocks, a neon green shirt, green and blue roller blades and a set of hip sunglasses and headphones.

Read below for a more detailed description of Lucio’s outfit and cosplay options.

Lucio Costume Ideas

Overwatch OW Lucio DJ Brown Cosplay Wig

Generally, the actual color and design will be made to more closely resemble that of the mannequins than the character.

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How to Dress Like Lucio from ‘Overwatch’


Lucio has long brown dreadlocks with blonde tips which is pulled back with a neon green hairband. To get a similar look yourself, you can style your own hair in dreadlocks, or you can wear a wig.

Check out some video tutorials if you’re unsure how to get the right dreadlocks look for your hair. Finally, shop around online or at your local hair salon for a fluorescent green hairband similar to the one Lucio wears.


Lucio wears a neon green shirt, a yellow-and-black backpack and heavy plates of green and blue armor on his legs.

For the shirt, you can search online retail websites or athletic stores for the right cut and style (look for a thin shirt made of stretchy sports material). His shirt also has a white graphic image of a cartoon man wearing headphones.

To get the armor plates, you can see what’s available online from costume websites and retail websites, or you can put your craft skills to the test and make your own armor plates using household materials and supplies like EVA foam and plastic.


Lucio is a cool dude which is apparent by many of his accessories, including green and blue roller blades on his feet, green tinted sunglasses, his dark blue gloves and of course, his sonic amplifier!

You can purchase green and blue roller blades online or from most sports stores. If you’re not familiar with how to use roller blades you can opt for blue sneakers with green bottoms instead, which are also available online and from shoe shops as well.

You can purchase a replica sonic amplifier weapon online or make your own using your foam smith skills.


Want an extra accessory to make your costume more authentic-looking? Lucio has a tattoo on his shoulder of a frog. You can use makeup paint or a black washable marker to add this yourself, or you can browse around online to see if it’s possible to find any temporary tattoos like Lucio’s.

About Lúcio Correia dos Santos


Oh, feel that healing beat.

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