Marshall Lee the Vampire-King is the male version of Marceline in the popular animated Cartoon Network show “Adventure Time”. He was introduced for the first time in the episode “Fiona & Cake” and has since become a fan-favorite because of his condescending rude and impolite demeanor. He describes himself as a villain and, unintentionally but consistently, endangers his friends. He can float in the air as well as turn into a bat, just like Marceline.
For fans of the show, Marshall Lee is a fun and simple costume to try out. Just add some scruffy-looking black hair and a light gray makeup to your skin. Don’t forget to add bite marks like the ones on the side of his neck. Marshall usually wears a red plaid shirt with gray stripes, slim blue jeans and sneakers, which you can find below.
See below to learn how to make your own Marshall Lee costume for cosplay or halloween.
See more Adventure Time costume guides here.