In Mad Max: Fury Road, the War Boys are the minions of Immortal Joe who are chosen from a very young age as guards in the Cult of V8. They have blind, unwavering faith in their leader. Taken to the mysterious “Citadel”, War Boys begin their childhood as mechanics called “War Pups”, fixing and repairing anything that requires it. In time, War Boys usually end up afflicted with cancer and require blood transfusions to survive. Their appearance is heavily based on the look of Japanese kamikaze pilots from WWII.
In Fury Road, Nux is one of the most prominent War Boys in the story. Nux, looks like the other War Boys, is solely concerned with impressing Immortan Joe so that he can spend the afterlife in Valhalla.
Read our guide below to make your very own DIY War Boys costume for cosplay or for Halloween.