The Steven Universe series aired on Cartoon Network between 2013-2019 and quickly gained a devoted following plus plenty of recognition in the industry for its excellence.
The show touches on important themes, like love, personal relationships, and family. This has made the show popular year after year and has ensured it’s left a glowing legacy behind. It was followed by a movie and a brief sequel series which were as popular as the original series.
Because of the great scriptwriting and plot of Steven Universe, many of its characters have also been noticed by cosplayers who’ve chosen to represent them. We’ve divided this article into sections covering 10 of the show’s main characters.
For each one, we’ve shown a suitable cosplay and provided links for you to purchase a similar costume and read more about how to pull off the cosplay perfectly. Even if you’re just starting, this will give you a headstart in the world of Steven Universe cosplayers.