Saul Goodman is the sleazy and shady lawyer who advised Walter and Jesse in the show Breaking Bad. Although Saul’s motivations and dealings were crooked, he was still a pretty good lawyer was able to get what he and his clients wanted most of the time. With his colorful and tacky legal attire, he gains the semi-trust and, of course, legal fees, of everyone who felt like they “Better call Saul.”
Saul Goodman’s business outfit is always almost appropriate, but he always adds something loud or brash that just takes it over the edge. He wears a classic business suit in normal dark colors like grey, black, or blue, but then underneath wears a loud colorful dress shirt complete with gaudy cufflinks, a patterned tie and clashing pocket square and a blue ribbon for awareness of an airplane crash that he exploited to get money off of.
See more Breaking Bad costume guides here.
Items You’ll Need to Complete the Costume:
- Business Suit
- Loud-Colored Dress Shirt
- Patterned Tie
- Blue Ribbon Pin
- Cufflinks
- Pocket Square
- Dress Shoes