How to Dress Like John Marston from ‘Red Dead Redemption’
Hair & Facial Hair:
John Marston is unkempt, disheveled. Not a man who thinks to get a haircut.
Because of that, his dark brown hair is approaching shoulder-length and generally a little greasy. He has a full, short beard and mustache. If styling your own hair and facial hair aren’t an option, you can absolutely find both in a costume shop or online.
Ever seen a Wrangler commercial? Well, that’s what John Marston looks like—but a little bit dirtier. You should be able to find all of these items at a second-hand store or major retail chain. It’s a good idea to look into techniques for making clothes look weathered. John Marston doesn’t do a whole lot of laundry.
Dark blue or black bootcut jeans are a must for Marston’s look, and the more worn-in they are, the better.
Up top you’ll need a khaki long-sleep button up with a blue denim vest over it. If you can’t find a denim vest while you’re shopping, you can opt to buy a denim jacket and cut the sleeves off.
First things first, find a prop revolver and a leather hip holster, as well as a bandolier to sling around you like a sash.
Marston never goes anywhere without his black gloves, boots, or cowboy hat.
You can find all of the above in stores or online. You can get as fancy as you’d like in terms of the quality of the costume pieces, but most should be more than affordable.
And finally a red bandana tied around your neck will finish your look. You can find one at your local craft store.