Marty McFly is a high school student turned time traveller who teams up with eccentric scientist Dr. Emmett Brown to embark on incredible time travel adventures in the Back to the Future Trilogy. Throughout the series Marty wears a variety of outfits as he zips back and forth through time in a spacetime-bending Delorean alongside Doc Brown. But his iconic mid-80s duds truly stood the test of time.
How to Dress Like Marty McFly in ‘Back to the Future’
When Marty first shows up to help Doc with his time travel experiments in a Hill Valley mall parking lot, he is layered up in a jean jacket and a puffy red vest jacket. He wears a white, checkered button up shirt underneath, as well as a pair of jeans and white high-top sneakers. Marty can’t seem to get enough of red jackets and blue jeans. In both the 1950s and 2010s stops of his time hopping journey Marty wears year-appropriate versions of his iconic 80s style. Learn how to make your own DIY Marty McFly costume below:
See more Back to the Future costumes here.