On the anime series My Hero Academia, Ochaco Uraraka is a student training to be a successful Pro Hero in the future, and she’s one of the major protagonists of the show. Known for her bubbly and laid back personality, her cheerful smile and her passive attitude, Ochaco is beloved by most of her friends and her care towards others has made her one of My Hero Academia’s most endearing characters.
Along with her fellow students, her training can sometimes drive her to be too determined, but she mostly loves having fun. Ochaco Uraraka is a great option for any cosplayer who loves anime and wants an iconic costume.
In this guide, we will describe everything you will need to complete your Ochaco cosplay for your next convention or Halloween event.
See more My Hero Academia costume guides here.
Items You Will Need to Complete the Costume:
- Brown Bob Wig
- My Hero Academia Uniform with Skirt
- Ochako’s Suit