How to Dress Like Ryu from Street Fighter
Ryu has short-cropped spiky black hair that is tied back with a long red headband to keep it out of his eyes when he’s engaged in a fight. You can style your natural hair using gel or hairspray or you can purchase a black wig and cut and style it to your preferences
As an extra detail, use a black eyebrow pencil to define your own brows just like Ryu’s!
Ryu has extremely chiseled and muscular arms as a result of all his training. Hit the gym a few months before your event to get that distinctive muscular build!
Ryu wears a simple sleeveless karate outfit with the sleeves sloppily torn off at the hem, pants with ripped ankles and a black belt tied loosely around his waist.
You can purchase these supplies online from retail websites and costume websites, and put your creative skills to the test to customize it to look more like Ryu’s style with a dirty and worn-out appearance!
Use a light dusting of brown makeup powder, potting soil or any other materials you want to get a more authentic Street Fighter look.
Ryu doesn’t wear shoes, so be prepared to go barefoot with your costume. Of course, if your event is outdoors you can always improvise with a pair of light-colored flip-flops or flat shoes with ankle socks.
He also wears bright red fingerless gloves, protecting his hands when he’s in the middle of a fight.
You can find red gloves from most sports stores, retail websites and shopping malls. Look for some made with a thick leather or vinyl material like Ryu’s.
You can cut the fingers off with scissors or try to locate gloves with the fingers already cut off to get just the right look for your costume.
Get some friends and family to dress up as other characters from the Street Fighter series so you can show off your love for the game at your next big event!
About Ryu
“To live is to fight, to fight is to live!
Cosplay Examples