Sailor Moon was a popular anime during the late 1990s and early 2000s. It was about a girl who led a group called the Sailor Guardians in guarding the “Legendary Silver Artifact” and preventing the destruction of the world and the rest of the solar system. It ran for 8 seasons with four succeeding movies.
Have you ever considered bringing the characters from this iconic anime show to life with cosplay? Or are you curious about what it takes to bring these beloved characters to life in costume form? The Sailor Moon costumes were stylized Japanese schoolgirl uniforms, along with tiaras and scepters. There were differences in color among the different characters.
Popular Characters from Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon has a large number of characters, which makes it perfect for cosplay. Here are just some of the most iconic characters from this series:
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Usagi Tsukino is the main protagonist of the series. She is a bubbly and clumsy teenage girl with a big appetite and a love for sleep. As a member of the Sailor Scouts, Usagi possesses magical powers that she uses to battle against evil forces. You will need her iconic white dress with blue accents, a long blonde wig, the Odango hairstyle, and a moon crescent brooch to cosplay as Usagi. In this photo, @jiniecos beautifully portrays Usagi Tsukino, capturing her spirit and charm. Usagi’s character is beloved for her kind heart, determination, and ability to unite people. She serves as an inspiration for many with her unwavering courage and loyalty to her friends. Cosplaying as Usagi allows fans to immerse themselves in her magical world and celebrate her as a beloved character.