In the thrilling conclusion to the Dark Knight Trilogy, Bane (played by Tom Hardy) is a supervillain who grew up in prison serving out the terms of his father’s sentence. He spent his youth studying and getting jacked in the prison gym. A bat has haunted his dreams since he was little, so Batman is a natural enemy for him and he spends his life trying to destroy him.
Bane suffers from an enormously painful injury which requires him to have a constant source of venom to numb the pain. This serum is constantly fed to him through the mask which obscures his face and gives him his dark and menacing appearance.
Bane’s Look in The Dark Knight Rises
Bane is an intimidating guy with an intimidating look. He’s a tactical supervillain. He’s covered in a layer of leather armor up top—not that he needs it, he’s a skilled fighter. He also wears black, tactical cargo pants and black combat boots. And he always wears a mask which helps numb his pain, but leaves him with a muffled (yet menacing) voice. Without the venom, the pain is too much.
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