Clementine Costume Guide

Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season Clementine Black Shoes Cosplay Boots

Price: $47.99


Clementine Costume: DIY Guide

Clementine is a young girl who survives the zombie apocalypse with help from kind stranger Lee Everett and a community of survivors. She is featured in several episodes of Telltale’s The Walking Dead Game series. Along the way she struggles with the harsh new reality that she finds herself, but grows into a strong and independent young woman capable of holding her own against walkers and evil people alike.

Clem’s attire changes as she matures and travels through the wastelands on her journeys to find a safe haven. When she is first found by Lee she is wearing a dirty white cotton dress with grey stockings and a blue and white trucker hat with a “D” emblazoned on it. She sometimes wears a long-sleeved yellow and white shirt underneath the dress or a red cotton hoodie to keep her warm during the harsh, cold winter as she seeks shelter and safety with her community of survivors.

See below to learn how to make a DIY Clementine costume for cosplay or halloween,

How to Dress Like Clementine from the Walking Dead Telltale Game

Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season Clementine Black Shoes Cosplay Boots

Generally, the actual color and design will be made to more closely resemble that of the mannequins than the character.

Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season Clementine Cosplay Costume

Actual colors may vary slightly from the images due to lighting and monitor resolution changes.

Cosplay Examples

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About Clementine


I’m really hungry Lee!

Clementine in Action

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