In the film Deadpool, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a young mutant with the ability to detonate an atomic blast radius around herself. As a trainee with the X-Men she was tasked with the job of recruiting Deadpool to the superhero team alongside fellow mutant Colossus. Negasonic also appears in the Marvel Comics, but with a different backstory, appearance and powers, including telepathy.
As her name suggests, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is depicted as a brooding teen who wears all black – even black lipstick! She has a shaved head and wears a long black leather trench coat, a black hoodie and mock turtle neck as well as pleather pants and leather boots. But her outfit isn’t all doom and gloom… She adds a touch of color by wearing a yellow belt which might be a nod to the X-Men. She also wears a more traditional looking X-Men uniform which is a yellow and black jumpsuit.
See below to learn how to make a DIY Negasonic Teenage Warhead costume for cosplay or halloween.
See more X-Men costume guides here.
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