In Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, Korra is the reincarnation of Avatar Aang born to the Southern Water Tribe where she grows in power and status as a water bender. Being a bit hot-headed, she has difficulty mastering airbending and making a spiritual connection. She seeks tutelage from Aang’s son Tenzin to learn the ways of airbending.
Korra’s outfits change as she progresses on her journey and matures into a more seasoned and spiritually advanced element bender. Her original outfit consists of garb typical of the Southern Water Tribe, including a sleeveless light blue shirt and baggy blue pants tucket into brown faux swede boots. A brown swede fur-lined cloth is draped around her waste.
Like her clothing, Korra’s hairstyle evolves throughout the duration of the animated series. She begins with long hair, usually worn up in a pony tail. Toward the end of her journey she cuts her hair into a bob cut style.
See below to learn how to make your own DIY Korra costume for cosplay or halloween.