Young Ellie & Carl Fredricksen Costume Guide

Young Carl Fredricksen from ‘Up!’

Young Ellie & Carl Fredricksen Costume Guide

In the Pixar film “Up” Ellie is a spunky young girl who befriends a timid young boy named Carl Fredricksen. Ellie, an obsessive aviation fan, befriends young Carl which would lead to a lifetime together. While married, Ellie and Carl save up to embark on an adventure to Paradise Falls together. Sadly, it was an adventure that would never come for Ellie Fredricksen. She passed away before they could begin their adventure together. Guided by her memory, Carl eventually makes his way to Paradise Falls after all…

For fans of UP, dressing up as Young Ellie Fredricksen is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. See below to learn how to make your own Ellie Fredricksen costume.

How to Dress Like Young Ellie Fredricksen from ‘Up!’

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Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one!

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