In The Sandlot, a nostalgic trip down memory lane set in the postwar era of the 1950’s, Wendy Peffercorn is first introduced as a lifeguard at a public swimming pool. Squints, a nerdy younger boy, pretends to need her help so she’ll give him the “Kiss of Life” usually administered to drowning victims. His plan works, but it’s not quite love at first sight.
Pair this look with a Squints costume.
When she learns that Squints tricked her to get a smooch in front of his pals from the baseball game, she calls him a “pervert” and angrily storms off, banning the boys from ever using the pool again all summer. Later on though, she and Squints become close friends. Every time he sneaks past the pool, the two can’t help sharing a private smile. Wendy looks like the perfect poster girl from a retro television commercial, and she’s a great character to dress up as.
Check out the links below to make your very own Wendy Peffercorn costume for cosplay or for Halloween.
See our top collection of costume guides here.