Steven is the title character of the hit Cartoon Network show Steven Universe. He is the son of Greg Universe and Rose Quartz, a gem who was tasked with protecting Earth when she fell in love with a young Greg Universe. Sadly, Steven never got to have a relationship with his mother as she disappeared early on while his father still grieves for her.
Steven is protected by three gem guardians who were friends of his mother: Pearl, Topaz and Amethyst. They love him very much but often they get into trouble and don’t necessarily understand Earth or all the commercialized aspects of modern humanity when it comes to food and material items.
Steven is curious, inquisitive and funny, and he loves his family but still deeply misses his mother, Rose. He might’ve inherited some of her magical abilities though, and this makes for many exciting and thrilling adventures! Soft-hearted and happy-go-lucky, Steven is the kind of role model who we can all look up to.
Check out the links below to make your own DIY Steven Universe costume for cosplay or halloween.